Margaret Furlong Blog | Everyday Life & Porcelain Design Inspiration



Archive for GARDENING

I love the blooms of spring and I love to bring the springtime inside with bouquets of these early blooms.

These branches of white blossoms are from wild plum trees that grow along the Willamette River; lovely souvenirs from my after lunch walk.

Cut branches of Japanese quince, Forsythia or other spring flowering bushes and trees may be brought inside for forced blooming in January and February. At this late date the buds burst into delicate blooms in just a few days.

The branches in my living room are white Japanese quince from the back yard. This is a yearly tradition for me and I am always in awe of the Asian flavor of this dramatic arrangement that brings early springtime into my home and my heart.

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A weekend of weeding and the beach garden looks great!

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I know that summer is almost here when I start cutting roses and bringing them inside for arrangements.

The Rhododendrons and Azaleas have just finishing their brilliant displays and the roses and sweet peas are beginning their exuberant splash of color and fragrance!

The buds are forming on my lavender at the beach.

Summer is a time of rich rewards with the splendor of flowers and lush verdant growth.

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I have given my topiaries their final haircuts for the year. Most of the topiaries are the traditional green boxwood, but I do have some variegated boxwood and several adorable thyme trees.

They will look trimmed and neat all winter now because there won’t be any new growth during these months.

I also like to use the potted topiaries inside for the holidays. In very little time and little effort, I can fill my home with Christmas greens.

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